“Small Business with Flowers – A Chance for the Disadvantaged” – 2019

The project “Small Business with Flowers – A Chance for the Disadvantaged” will be held for a period of seven months, between the 1st February 2019 and the 31st August 2019 and will involve a total of 40 people, 8 of them being leaders and 32 young participants from 4 organizations from Romania, Cyprus, Turkey and Bulgaria. The youth exchange activities will take place in Craiova, Romania between June, the 30th, 2019 and July, the 7th, 2019.

The project aims at starting from floral arrangements and using the principles of team work and specific non-formal education methods, to provide for a group of 32 youngsters, 18 of them being disadvantaged or with fewer opportunities from Romania, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Turkey, the opportunity to work together between the 1th and 7th of July, 2019, to develop their entrepreneurial spirit, the competences in working with flowers and communication skills in English and to become aware of and experience social inclusion, in order to help them in the future.

“This document has been prepared for the European Commission however it reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”

Project coordinator: Ana-Maria Dragoi