“Step by Step to Your Future”, 1st of June 2016 – 31st of January 2017

The project “Step by Step to Your Future” will take place over a period of 8 months between June 2016 – January 2017, and the activities of the youth exchange will take place from 27th of August to 3rd of September 2016 and will involve a total of 48 youth and 12 leaders from 6 countries: Romania, Germany, Cyprus, Poland, Italy and Turkey. The youth Exchange will take place over a period of 6 days of activities and 2 days for the transport.

The main objective of the project is to improve awareness of young people entering to the labour market and to teach youth steps to set up a business.

The specific objectives are:

  • young self-knowledge through various tests with a psychologist,
  • the importance of communication in a foreign language by broadening cultural horizons and facilitating the young access to jobs   in their country and abroad,
  • making a CV, attending an interview, how to apply for a job,
  • how to improve the communication skills,
  • steps to realize a business and to access European founds for the youth,
  • the opportunity to practice one day in different companies from our town

We will use of non-formal education methods during the activities: knowledge games, workshops, brainstorming, role playing, talking tickets, Café World, dialogue, discussion, videos.

Project coordinator: Ana-Maria Dragoi